Danger boy took a trip recently to the St. Louis Planetarium. Paranoid Dad not at all reluctantly volunteered to go along and took the day off. (See Danger Boy and his class above, see what Paranoid Dad wore. The nerdy crowd may see the problem. Others, go here.)
Note the term St. Louis Planetarium as opposed to St. Louis Science Center above. Paranoid Dad grew up- yes, Tired Mom, I miss the dinosaurs- when there was just the Planetarium and everyone knew what you meant. Since the expansion and effective name change, Paranoid Dad went through an adjustment period of being corrected or self-correcting when moving from the term Planetarium to the STL Science Center. Irony of irony, when Danger Boy's field trip is to the Planetarium and not the rest of Science Center. AGGGHHH!
Here Danger Boys has a photo-op w/we assume is Curious George. Luckily, George had no access to any working rockets or telemetry equipment so we involved in any adventures involving monkeys, rockets and zany simian fun!
Danger Boy and Paranoid Dad's assigned companion for this adventure was "Uninterested in hanging w/Us girl". (We'll call her U-girl for expediency.) She was a very well-mannered young lady who was on the losing side of high parent chaperon to child ratio and so was not w/her usual gang. She was also adversely affected w/"the Danger Boy excitement to see everything field". Alas for her.
The star show is still a mainstay at the Planetarium and is a great chance for a nap. ;)
Here DB and U-girl simulate using space suit gloves to do manual task. (Big rubber gloves vs. a plastic nut and bolt.)
Here DB and U-Girl step into a replica access tube where astronauts would pull or push themselves up to different levels of a space station. (Paranoid Dad had to coax them in and their minds numbed and eyes glazed over through his use of the old guy explanation power.)
U-girl does a puzzle of the part of a picture of a planet which was electromagnetic. One had only so long to solve the puzzle before the pieces dropped into the storage bin below. U-girl was very adept at this and tried just about everyone.
Here we see models of some of the fine McDonnell Douglas and Boeing aircraft that protected and continue protect our great nation. God Bless America!
Leave it to Danger Boy to attract one of his favorite dangers: a Dinosaur! Coming soon according to the advertisement.
U-Girl and DB had a definite meeting of the minds w/regards to dinosaurs. Both were all about getting pics w/these simulations of the monstrous monstrosities.
All good things come to an end as did this adventure. Paranoid Dad relinquished DB's bag back to him (lent to carry camera and goodies). DB boarded the bus w/the rest of his class and Paranoid Dad drove home in Ailing, Decrepit Car which once again faithfully wheezed its way home.
***Please note our title bar has changed and now includes a pic of the newly turned one year old superheroine SuperSpy!!!**