Nursing at 3am
Chubby baby belly pressed against mine
Cheek to my breast, hand to my chest
There never was, ever was a moment quite this quiet
A darkness so comforting, a fog of bliss whispering
Down my body, and enveloping all around
Like magic pouring over me with love sprinkles
Like beautiful brushstokes touching my skin
There never was, ever was, a tired time that
Wanted to be awake, and wrapped up
In a baby’s arms, so I did not want to sleep
That happiness could not let me rest
That long cherished, tiny moment in the wee hours
There never was, ever was, a softness
That could compare to sweet baby breath
On bare skin, under blankets of mildest summer air
So tired, I cannot open my eyes,
So happy, my body cannot contain it
There never was, ever was, a love like
Chubby baby hands, pulling me close
To heaven’s door, knocking to be let in.