Paranoid Dad thought it was very unfortunate that his daughter got his sinuses, while Vance got mine (with my clean, snot free sneezes).
Lately, KC does not just say "no", she has to say "not want that ANY MORE!". Very dramatic, even for an almost 3 year old.
LOL! I can just imagine that in my head. Funny stuff!! Poor girl though. Does Benedryl help?
Snot, I love snot. (Not really, but snot is a fact of life.) Do we need to see the "snot picture" again?
Awww, poor thing! I love the drama of it though, on both sides. Funny stuff!
Dana-- My kids get really sleepy with Benadryl, so I save that for when it gets really bad.
Plus, QQ does not even need to have a cold for the snot to come out like this when she sneezes. Poor girl!
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