Below is a copy of the actual program from the baptism with Tired Mom's commentaries in parenthesis.
The Baptism of
(Danger Boy!)
Sunday, November 20, 2011 3:00 PM
(was awesome!)
Presiding Edwardsville Ward Bishopric
Conducting Edwardsville Ward Bishopric
Pianist Sister Renae E
(who played all the music and picked out the arrangement for the version of I am a Child of God Tired Mom, Grandma, and Kid Catastrophe sang)
Chorister Sister Beth P (who also made some wonderful white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies we all enjoyed after the baptism!)
Opening Song: “Praise to the Man” Hymn# 27 (song chosen by Danger Boy as one of his favorites!)
Invocation Sister (Kid Catastrophe)
Talk about Baptism Sister (Granny)
(Granny talked about her baptism and how she came to find the church. It was funny because the person who Grandpa Tim's sister worked with, who sent the missionaries to our door, was sitting right in the audience!)
Talk about the Holy Ghost Sister (Grandma)
(This was a very Danger Boy oriented talk about the most wonderful gift of all. DB even got a red bow from Grandma to remember the most special gift of all)
Special Musical Number...”I am a Child of God”
Sisters (Grandma, Tired Mom & Kid Catastrophe). Accompanied by Sister Renae (who also picked out the beautiful version of the song for us! It was a special song for Danger Boy, that he picked out. I'm not sure who planted the seed that Tired Mom should sing, but Danger Boy seemed pretty intent on it. Tired Mom was so glad when Grandma wanted to join in the singing!)
Baptismal Ordinance Brother (Paranoid Dad)
(Paranoid Dad performed the baptism, while a group of children gathered around the top of the baptismal fount. Tired Mom sat back and watched Danger Boy getting baptized in the big mirror put there for that purpose. It was very special and wonderful to watch and be take a part in this happy occasion.)
Video presentation on baptism
(which Tired Mom missed because she was changing the poopy diaper of Miss Mayhem. Incidentally Miss Mayhem walked around the people sitting for the whole service, but she was very quiet about it and caused very little actual mayhem).
Primary Welcome Sister Laura B
(who also helped by holding Miss Mayhem on several occasions!)
Welcome to the Ward
Edwardsville Ward Bishopric
Closing Song: “I Stand All Amazed” Hymn# 193
(Tired Mom actually picked this song because it seems to show up in Tired Mom's family for special occasions, and it deserved another showing!)
Benediction Brother (Grandpa) (who was also a witness to the baptism).